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Vigur Island: The Best Place to Spot Puffins and Wildlife in Iceland

Imagine a small island where you can have the time of your life in the middle of Icelandic nature, surrounded by puffins. Does that sound good? Get to know Vigur Island, a hidden gem where nature lovers can indulge themselves. On this special and compact island you can not only see puffins, but also enjoy other wild animals that have made their home here. Vigur Island is the place in Iceland for everyone who loves unique nature experiences and the beauty of wildlife. For us, visiting this Iceland was a last-minute decision, but it was one of the most special things we did in Iceland.

Iceland travel guide; read all about Vigur Island, a special island in the north of Iceland on

What makes Vigur Island so special?

Vigur Island is a hidden gem in the west of Iceland. The island is small and charming, but packed with natural wonders.

An Oasis for Puffins

Vigur Island is without a doubt one of the best places to see puffins. These colorful birds, also called puffins, come to the island in large numbers to nest. In the spring, hundreds of thousands of them land on this island to reproduce. And when you are in Iceland, seeing a puffin should be on your Iceland bucket list. The best season to see puffins is from May to August. During these months you will see thousands of puffins on the cliffs and in the sky. Why do puffins love Vigur Island so much? The island offers perfect nesting sites in the form of soft, grassy hills. The puffins here also have an abundance of food such as fish. This makes Vigur a true oasis for these impressive birds.

Iceland travel guide; read all about Vigur Island, a special island in the north of Iceland on

Other Fascinating Game Species

Vigur Island is not just a paradise for puffins. The island is home to a wide range of fascinating animals and plants. Here are some other wild residents you may encounter: Seals: You can often see seals sunbathing on the rocks along the coast. They are curious, and sometimes you can see their heads sticking out of the water as they swim around. Arctic terns: These birds make impressive journeys between the North Pole and Antarctica. Their graceful flight and noisy call are unmissable. Eider ducks: These ducks are famous for their soft down feathers, which have been collected for centuries for bedding. Flora: Vigur also has a surprisingly varied flora. For example, you will find colorful wild flowers and rare moss species. This makes the island a feast for the eyes for bird watchers and botanists alike.

Vigur Island is a true natural paradise. It is home to many different animal species and has a rich history. Whether you come to see the puffins, admire the seals, or simply enjoy the unspoilt nature, Vigur has something for everyone. In addition to birds, you can also see lazing seals enjoying the peace and quiet on this island.

Iceland travel guide; read all about Vigur Island, a special island in the north of Iceland on


How to explore the island of Vigur?

The island of Vigur is really tiny and there is not much to explore. The most important thing to know is that you cannot explore this island on your own. The family that manages this island and actually lives on this island will show you around the island. This is mainly because they want to protect the animal life on the island. Tourists tend to always get as close to the animals as possible and in doing so they disturb the home of the different species. It is therefore important that you follow the instructions carefully and ensure that these animals can consider Vigur Island their home for years to come. The tour takes you past the small lighthouse, where you can see thousands of puffins. From there you walk over an interesting section, where you have to walk through the somewhat aggressive birds with sticks along your head. Tip; don't wear purple. These birds are attracted to purple and my purple hat was bitten several times by these birds.   Don't forget to take the time during the walk to enjoy the peace and natural beauty of Vigur Island.


Conservation and Sustainability

We already said it above; Nature conservation is crucial on Vigur Island. This small island is a paradise for birds, including the charming puffins. To ensure that future generations can experience this beautiful place, we must all do our part. But how do you do that?

How You Can Contribute to Conservation of Vigur Island

When you visit Vigur Island, there are many ways you can help preserve nature. Here are some simple tips: Stay on the trails: Walking off the designated trails can damage fragile vegetation and disturb nesting sites. So, stay within the lines!

Don't Leave Trash: This may seem obvious, but it's so important. Always take your waste with you, even biodegradable material such as fruit scraps can be harmful.

Don't use plastic: Try to minimize your use of plastic. Choose reusable water bottles and carrying bags. Respect the animals: Don't get too close to birds and other wild animals. Use binoculars to admire them from a distance.

Follow the rules: Always read and follow the instructions of local guides and signs. They are there for a reason! With these simple steps we can all contribute to the conservation of Vigur Island. Let's protect this magical place together for the future!

Iceland travel guide; read all about Vigur Island, a special island in the north of Iceland on

Vigur Island; a real piece of Iceland

Vigur Island is a hidden gem in Iceland where every nature lover can indulge. Here puffins flutter around freely and you can enjoy unique biodiversity on a small island. This is the place to experience the natural beauty of Iceland in its purest form. Visit Vigur Island and discover for yourself why this island is so special. And apart from all the wildlife, it really feels like a piece of Iceland, with the colorful farm that shows off in the middle of the island. Oh and don't forget to eat a piece of the (free) delicious rhubarb pie in the small restaurant on the island.




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